Immigration Travel

How to Study in Canada: a Complete Guide for International Students

how to study in Canada


This article will reveal to you how to study in Canada as an international student. We all know that Canada is such a popular place where every international student wants to go to study.

With world-renowned universities, diverse programs, and a welcoming culture, Canada has a lot to offer for those seeking a quality education and a global experience.

The affordability of education, if you want to compare it to other countries of the world like the US and UK, makes it a very significant factor. Everyone loves quality education including me, and no one will love to settle for less. This is Canada for you!

So irrespective of whether you’re interested in pursuing a bachelor’s, a 1-year Masters Program in Canada, 2 two-year Masters program in Canada, or Ph.D. programs in Canada, this guide will help you understand the steps you need to take to make your dream of studying in Canada a dream come true.

Why Study in Canada

Here are some reasons why you should consider studying in Canada options:

1. Canada Has High-Quality Education:

Canadian universities are well-known for providing high-quality education, boasting top-notch facilities and research opportunities. In the QS World University Rankings 2022,

26 Canadian universities are among the world’s top 500, including prestigious ones like the University of Toronto, the University of British Columbia, and McGill University within the top 50.


2. Affordable Education:

One major advantage for students is the affordability of education in Canada compared to countries like the US, UK, and Australia.

On average, international students can expect tuition fees of around CAD 20,000 per year, varying based on the program and institution. Many universities and colleges also offer financial aid such as scholarships and bursaries to help cover these costs.

3. It Has a Very Welcoming Environment

Canada is recognized for its welcoming and inclusive environment, ranked first in quality of life, social purpose, and equality in the 2021 Best Countries report.

The country embraces diversity, making it a favorable destination for students from various cultures and backgrounds.

4. A Chance to Work while Studying

International students studying in Canada have the chance to work on or off campus, gaining valuable work experience and supplementing their income.

Post-graduation work permits (PGWPs) allow them to work for up to three years after completing their studies.

Moreover, Canada has introduced immigration pathways, like the Post-Graduate Work Permit Program (PGWPP) and the Express Entry system, facilitating the transition to permanent residency for international graduates.

5. Canada Has a Safe and Peaceful Environment

Canada is renowned for its safety, stability, high standard of living, and excellent healthcare system. It provides a secure and stable environment, ensuring a positive and healthy experience for students pursuing their education in the country.

How to study in Canada 2024

  1. Find the Right Program and University:

The first thing to do is to figure out what you want to study and where. Check out different programs and universities. Think about the courses they offer. It’s like choosing the best fit for your goals. Take your time and make a smart decision to start your learning journey on the right foot.

  1. Check the School Requirement and Eligibility You Need to Get In:

Check to know what each university asks for. They all want different things like grades and language skills.

Make sure you know what they’re looking for before applying. It’s like making sure you have what you need to get through the door.

  1. Take Language Tests if Needed:

If a university asks, you might need to take tests to prove you know the language they use for teaching.

It’s like showing them you can understand and use the language they speak in their classes.

  1. Get Your Papers Ready:

In preparation for your application, ensure you gather essential documents such as school records, letters of recommendation, and a detailed resume.

This step involves compiling significant paperwork that provides a comprehensive overview of your academic history, personal achievements, and qualifications, which will be crucial during the application process.

  1. Send in Your Applications:

Once you’ve gathered all your important documents, send in your applications to the universities you’re interested in.

Just make sure to do it before the deadlines to ensure they’re considered. It’s like submitting your paperwork to let the universities know you want to study there.

  1. Think About Money:

When planning to study in Canada, carefully consider the financial aspects, including overall costs and potential scholarship opportunities.

Ensuring financial preparedness contributes to a comfortable and well-supported academic experience.

  1. Sort Out Your Visa:

Once a university accepts you, begin the process of obtaining a study permit and visa. Make sure to follow all the rules and guidelines to smoothly transition into your academic journey.

  1. Plan Your Move:

Get ready to move to Canada by planning and organizing different things. Find out where you will live, check transportation options, and learn about your new home in Canada.

  1. Learn the Basics:

Make sure to attend any sessions that the university provides to help you settle into your new life.

This will help you understand both your academic and social aspects of university life in a new place.

  1. Start Your Studies:

Once you have everything in place, begin your studies! Make the most of your time in Canada by immersing yourself in both your academic pursuits and the cultural experiences the country has to offer.

How to Finance Your Education in Canada Effectively

This part provides information about the costs linked to studying in Canada, including how much you might need to pay for tuition, the general living expenses, and opportunities for financial assistance or scholarships that are available for international students.

1. Compare Tuition Fees in Different Universities in  Canada

Studying in Canada can cost different amounts depending on where you study, what level of degree you’re pursuing, and the specific program.

Usually, international students pay more than Canadian students.

For bachelor’s programs, it can range from CAD 20,000 to CAD 30,000 per year, and for master’s programs, it’s around CAD 15,000 to CAD 30,000 annually.

Professional programs like Medicine may cost more. If you’re looking for more affordable options, consider programs in subjects like Sociology,

History, or Economics. When picking a university, it’s crucial to think about tuition fees.

Some cost-effective choices include Newfoundland and Labrador University, the University of Manitoba, and the University of New Brunswick.

2. Checking for Costless Environment to Live in Canada Should be Considered

Living and studying in Canada comes with additional costs apart from tuition fees, and it’s crucial for international students to consider these expenses.

The cost of living varies depending on the city and your lifestyle. On average, international students usually budget between CAD 10,000 to CAD 15,000 per year for things like housing, food, transportation, books, and other essentials.

Housing, costing around CAD 1,000 per month, often makes up a significant part of the budget. It’s a good idea to explore various housing options to manage expenses better.

Check the available types of accommodations for International students in Canada below:

  1. dormitories and townhouses,
  2. off-campus shared apartments,
  3. homestays with host families, and
  4. apartment rentals.

Once you’ve got your housing sorted, handling other expenses becomes easier.

Plan around CAD 100 per month for transportation, CAD 30 per day for food, and CAD 500 to CAD 1000 per semester for books and other items.

Health insurance is a must for international students in Canada, and it typically ranges from CAD 600 to CAD 800 per year, depending on the province and the length of your stay.


Study in Canada because it has good education, is not too expensive, and people are friendly. Here are the steps: choose a program, check what you need to apply, send your application, and think about money. Look at tuition fees, where to live, and different types of homes. I wish you the very best as you live and study in Canada!
